Tony Traback - Vision and Teaching

Our family has been part of Wellspring from day 1!  We planted the church in the summer of 2017 and have been around ever since.  I have the privilege of overseeing our staff team, our church vision, and Wellspring teaching. And I love it!

I grew up in Oakland, California and completed my undergrad at Claremont McKenna College and also have a master’s degree and a doctorate (Dmin) from Fuller Theological Seminary. I also have a masters in psychology and serve (part time) as a therapist in the local community.

After college, I served in the Peace Corps (Kenya), worked with the teenage meth addicts and gang members in San Jose, and have now been in pastoral ministry for 15 years.  My creative and kind wife, Jeannie, and I have been married 15 years and we have two kids Josiah (8) and Claire (11).