Our Purpose:
To live in community, follow Jesus and impact the world.
Our Values:
Apprenticeship: Jesus led by example and then invited others to follow his lead. Likewise, we want to form apprentices who not only know our values but can equip others to embody them.
Community: Jesus invited the disciples into community so that they could seek God together. Following Jesus was not and is not easy. To grow, we need each other.
Spirit Attentiveness: Jesus sent his Spirit to be with, empower and guide us. We have enjoyed the beauty of God's goodness through the Spirit and we want you to as well!
Scripture: Jesus relied on the Hebrew scriptures to shape his understanding of God, people and the world. Likewise, we want to be people who are saturated in the scriptures, especially the life of Jesus.
Welcome: Like Jesus, we want to be the kind of people who are always welcoming the outsider into our community and nearer to God. We believe that this kind of welcome reflects the heart of God.