At Wellspring we want to be a blessing locally and globally. Our goal is to have every person at Wellspring serve in some way–to embody God’s blessing in the world. Check out ways you can start serving globally now! To learn more about our Local Bless Partners, click HERE.

Matt, Mali and Ava were a part of Wellspring Church from 2018-2020 while Matt was stationed at DLI. They have since moved to the east coast to finish their military commitment and are now in the process of getting ready to serve in France through WorldVenture. If you'd like to connect and support the Hunts, please reach out to them here.

They will be serving the marginalized through a multicultural church plant and its community center and refugee ministry, discipling others, teaching language classes, and providing medical advocacy. Their special focus is on unreached peoples who are now in the city of Strasburg, France with the hope of seeing healthy churches planted throughout Europe and the Middle East.